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Aarti Kaur


My story

Traveling has always been part of my life. It is thanks to my many trips that I was able to open up to new horizons and new therapies throughout my life.



My journey into holistic therapies started very early with acupuncture. Then I discovered treatments using Bach Flowers and Australian Bush Flower essences.

Still in Australia, I discovered Kundalini Yoga and Qi Gong, two practices that have totally transformed my life. It was then that I decided to train myself so that I also could help others.


Adesh Aarti Kaur



In the Kundalini Yoga tradition, the student can receive a Spiritual Name. This name considers what your past is and what is you calling, your destiny. It is a prayer, a calling, a blessing, a meditation.


I was given the name Adesh Aarti Kaur which means :

"The Princess/Lioness who worships the Light of the Divine"





My qualifications, certificates et diplomas :


Kundalini Yoga  


Sat Nam Rassayan - Level 1 with Sat Atma Kaur - 2023/2024



Pranayama - Altered Stated: The Breath with Carolyn Cowan. UK - Spring 2021



Bach Flowers registered Practitioner :



Reiki Master :



Kahuna Bodywork


Swedish Massage KaHuna Bodyworks. Margaret River, Australia - May 2018



Do not hesitate to contact me, whatever the question!

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