Sacred Unity
Sacred Unity offers personalized counseling and support thanks to
natural therapies and through the body in order to find
your Original Self, your Sat Nam.
Sat Nam?
Sat Nam is a very frequently used Gurmukhi mantra in Kundalini Yoga. It is called a seed Mantra as it contains a concentrate of potential.
Sat means Truth, Nam stands for Name, Identity.
Thereby, Satnam, tells us that Truth is our identity, our essence.
We all carry Truth and Light within us.
By reciting this Mantra, we come closer to our truth, to the purest version of ourselves.

My mission is to guide you and support you in order
to help you integrate life events so you can find
harmony in body and mind.
I offer support through natural therapies, such as Bach Flowers or Reiki, and through the body with Kundalini Yoga, breathing, meditation or massage.
Being in harmony with yourself and finding your
Sat Nam, is being in harmony with one's
environment and all those around us.
Who is behind Sacred Unity
Marguerite Vasseur - Adesh Aarti Kaur,
I'm the founder of Sacred Unity.
I traveled around the world and I confronted myself to many holistic therapies.
Over the years, I decided to train myself to the ones that resonated with me the most.
Discover my journey by clicking here.
