My story

Traveling has always been part of my life. It is thanks to my many trips that I was able to open up to new horizons and new therapies throughout my life.
My journey into holistic therapies started very early with acupuncture. Then I discovered treatments using Bach Flowers and Australian Bush Flower essences.
Still in Australia, I discovered Kundalini Yoga and Qi Gong, two practices that have totally transformed my life. It was then that I decided to train myself so that I also could help others.
Adesh Aarti Kaur
In the Kundalini Yoga tradition, the student can receive a Spiritual Name. This name considers what your past is and what is you calling, your destiny. It is a prayer, a calling, a blessing, a meditation.
I was given the name Adesh Aarti Kaur which means :
"The Princess/Lioness who worships the Light of the Divine"
My qualifications, certificates et diplomas :
Kundalini Yoga
KRI Level 1 Teacher Training with Dream Hive (with Siri Sat, Guru Dharam, Harpria, Amanbir, Mahan Rishi, Darryl O'Keffe), NY, USA - October 2021-May 2022
KRI Level 2 Teacher Training "Mind and Meditation" with i-Sky (with Guru Dharam and BenJahmin) - October 2022
KRI Level 2 Teacher Training "Lifecycles and Lifestyles" with i-Sky (with Guru Dharam and BenJahmin) - November 2023
Sat Nam Rassayan - Level 1 with Sat Atma Kaur - 2023/2024
Pranayama - Altered Stated: The Breath with Carolyn Cowan. UK - Spring 2021
Bach Flowers registered Practitioner :
Level 1, 2 and 3 with Jean-Baptiste Bonillo, Institut Français des Fleurs agréé par le Centre Bach (IFFACB). France - February 2021
Reiki Master :
Level 1 with Dreemtime Academy. Dunsborough, Australia - June 2018
Level 2 with KaHuna Bodyworks. Margaret River, Australia - August 2018
Level 3 and 4 Reiki Master Practioner/Teacher with Deborah Burnip, Body Soul Balancing. Penticton Canada - December 2019
Kahuna Bodywork
Level 1 and 2 with KaHuna Bodyworks. Margaret River, Australia - May/June 2018
Swedish Massage - KaHuna Bodyworks. Margaret River, Australia - May 2018
Vipassana, Dhamma Rasmi. Queensland, Australia - August 2017
Vipassana, Dhamma Surabhi. British Columbia, Canada - December 2019